Monday, 23 April 2012

Preliminary Task

Here are my front cover and contents page i created for a school magazine. I found creating this magazine first helped me imensly , mainly because i was able to play around with editing pictures and the different softwear.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What have you learnt about technologies from constructing your product?

Adobe Photoshop-
  • Changing the lighting of the pictures
  • Cropping
  • Changing the vibrance colours of pictures
Adobe InDesign -
  • Inserting Pictures
  • Inserting texts
  • Moving and cropping
Camera and Lighting
  • Adjusting the camera to zoom in and out
  • Changing the lights

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Evaluation- what other people thought of my magazine

Victoria Perry- I really like how charlotte has incorporated the typical features of a magazine. The cover-lines are clear and have a good relation to the theme of the magazine; music. The contents page is busy and there are lots of visual points including the images. The page numbers clearly indicate which story is where.
The main image on the front cover is of high quality and relates to the genre of the magazine again being music. I really like the colour scheme as it presents the rock and indie image.

Nicole Coltman-I think you magazine looks really good :)
I like how you have made use of different styles of fronts on both the front cover and contents page as it makes that text look more interesting. I also like how you have made good use of the colours black and red. The main image on the front cover is good, I like have it takes up most of the space on the page as it shows the importance of the music artist in the magazine. The sell line at the top is also catchy and easy to remember. I like how you have used 2 pictures on the contents page and as it catches readers attention. I also think the list of bands along the side is very good as it shows the audience what bands will be included in the magazine

Ashley Castle-

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why

Looking through the different types of distributers i feel as if Conde Nast may distribute my music magazine because they sell internationally and my magazine has music from all over the world which caters for both male and females, with a very varied genre of music. I also think that because i have a very distinctive colour theme that links into my genre of music i have based my magazine upon i think that gives my magazine a different edge to they other music magazines out there. Conde Nast also sell alot of varied magazines from Beauty Inc , VOGUE and Gold world, and M.1! music magazine could quite easliy too fit in with the big magazine names.

How does your media product represent social groups

I have used Slide Share to create a presenation to show what social groups I am aiming to represent, highlighting the gender, age and musical interest.

Here is a link to my Slide share.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products