Sunday, 29 January 2012

Here is my essay analysing the codes and conventions on 4 music magazines

Analyse the codes and conventions of four music magazine cove

Technical – Camera angles, framings and lighting

On the magazine cover Mix Mag There is a straight on mid shot picture of a man which we presume is a DJ. The picture shows what he looks like and can also represent what he looks like at work behind his booth. The picture on the Terrorizer is similar too MIX Mag because they too have a main picture straight on, mid shot. Both Mix Mag and Terrorizer also use colours that reflect the jobs of the covers stars. Mix Mag has used bright night club lights to represent the DJ, however Terrorizer has used very dark colours to represent the gothic star on there cover.
Differently, On the magazine cover VNE Le Rock have gone for a high angle shot so we can see what all the band members are wearing, The main picture is in black and white so we are unable to tell what colours the band members are wearing and if they relate to the other colours, however they are surrounded by reds, yellows and whites. Instead of a High angle shot Drummer has used a low angle shot, so they would be able to show that the cover star is playing the drum which relates to the whole idea of the magazine. Te colours used are quite plain and link in with everything else.
From analysing the Technical aspects of the magazine covers I would like my cover star to either be face on or have the camera positioned at a high angle. I like both these ideas and would consider both for my magazine cover because they set the style I want through out my magazine. They are also very eye catching and different.                                                                                                          

Symbolic – What does everything represent, e.g.  Body language, clothes, colours, setting

Mix Mag throughout has linked in the cover stars job a DJ, the way he is positioned looks as if he is standing behind his decking booth , chilling watching his audience dancing away , his t-shirt that he is wearing can also add to the way he is feeling all chilled ad relaxed. Simile Drummer has used a drum kit to represent what job the cover star does and also links into what the magazine is about and again the chilled relaxed atmosphere.
VNE Le Rock and the Terrorizer on the other hand both use bands or a solo artist. Even though they are both completely different music artist they both give off a scary, uncertain mysterious feel to the audience.       
I like how Mix Mag and Drummer have incorporated everything around the specific genre of the magazine. Without even looking at the title of the magazine ‘Drummer’ I already know the magazine is about drums as the main cover picture shows a professional man playing the drums. Mix mag on the other hand uses word play to link into the DJ cover star, the word ‘Mix’   links into a DJ mixing there songs  and decks .

From analysing Mix mag, Drummer, Terrorizer and VNE Le Rock I would incorporate my main cover star with the title of my magazine cover. For example Mix mag, ‘Mix’ links in with the DJ cover star.


Terrorizer, VNE Le Rock, Mix mag and Drummer all include capital letters, this is mainly because they all wants there magazine stories to stand out and to promote there adds. Terrorizer, Drummer and Mix Mag all Promote there cover star with bold, large, capital letters. They also include brief information about their cover star too. Capitals are also used to catch the audience’s eye and persuade them to buy the magazine.         
I would incorporate capital letters onto my music magazine cover to highlight my cover stars name and quotes from interviews, however I wouldn’t use capitals letters throughout my cover as I want to outline what is the main headline and stories.          

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

My Mood Board

What is a mood board ?

Mood boards are collages of cut outs of different words , colours or pictures, All the images and words you choose inspire your design concept. Mood boards can be actual or virtal. Here are a couple of examples of different types of mood boards.

                  Fashion Mood Board                

Baby Boy Bedroom Mood Board

Below you can see my mood board for my magazine. I have used certain music magazine covers because i like there layout and how there images have been shown, I have also incorporated blacks and reds as these colours will be used in my magazine. Central is my Magazine name/logo design which i have come up with M.1 standing for music number 1 .I have also added a few pictures of different music artists because i like how they have been positioned for there photos.

My Mood Board For My Music Magazine

Monday, 2 January 2012

Analysing Magazine Covers

We have analysed many magazine covers to gain an understanding of what the target audience look for in music magazines and how the makers of the magazines grrab the audiences attention with the covers.
After analysing the music magazines Q i have noticed that there is always a main picture of the artist in themiddle and the colours red and black are a running theme.