Tuesday 15 November 2011

Analysing Magazines

In this lesson we learnt about analysing magazines , Here is an example of how you could analyse a magazine using key termonology-

Layout of the page - busy , one main picture
Typeface /Font - capitals , bold , italic
Size quality - large main picture
Cropping of the photos - cropped to show face
How photos relate to stories - main headline with pictures
Size of cover lines -more important stories have bigger font
Key words - eye catching
Conventions -n/a
Cover lines fulfil expectations- n/a 
Missing information -n/a
Language to influence-'We fancy another crack in America'
Captions - On the road on the run with new look'
Masthead / name - NME
Other graphics - No
Colours -Red/Black/Yellow/White
Symbols -Infomation
Attract readers -Colours/Picturs/Celebrity
Particular  Message- New look for the artic Monkeys

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